Moscow, Russian Federation
This article is the latest in a series of publications on international comparative educational studies of the structure and content features of different national models of training for tourism. Based on the analysis of the degree of knowledge of the structure and content of tourism education, its specific features, especially foreign models, the basic methodological concepts and content of comparative educational research the article proves the conclusion about the necessity of applying the principle of accounting for processes of globalization as a leading principle of comparative pedagogical analysis for tourism education. Globalization processes affecting the socio-economic development of all countries are treated today as a catalyst for the development of world tourism, which is probably more than any other branches of economic activities develops in a constant mainstream development of advanced technologies and innovations. The degree of integration of national tourism in the world tourist area, and the level of development of the world standards of basic tourist services determine its competitiveness in the world. Thus, training for the tourism industry to a greater extent is aimed at studying the development of technology and quality standards recognized at the global level. Studies of professional education in the context of globalization processes have been carried out by many scientists, however, for the first time in this article fundamental accounting for processes of globalization in tourism education is suggested: national education system has integrated into the global education space [11] at the level of standardization of the structure, and this provision applies to the formation of any professional field; professional education in tourism, along with integration at the level of the structure has all the prerequisites to synchronize to a large extent the content of education as it relates to technology and organization of tourist services and the tourism product development.
comparative studies, professional training in tourism, globalization
Введение. Укрепление конкурентных позиций национальных экономик зависит, в том числе, от конкурентоспособности национальных систем образования. Мировой рынок образовательных услуг постоянно растет, по данным ЮНЕСКО1. В 2012 г. двое из десяти студентов, не менее четырех миллионов человек, учились за рубежом (для сравнения: в 2000 г. за рубежом учились два миллиона человек). Доля России на мировом рынке высшего профессионального образования относительно невелика и составляет 4,9%. Из рисунка 1 следует, что в основном (на две трети) на учебу в Россию приезжают граждане постсоветского пространства, то есть доля граждан из дальнего зарубежья составляет треть, или в абсолютных величинах немногим более 66 тыс. человек в год.
Выраженная профилизация и объемы въездной академической мобильности в Россию (для сравнения: въездная мобильность в США составляет 18% мирового потока образовательной мобильности) свидетельствуют о недостаточной степени интегрированности
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