, Russian Federation
Perm, Perm, Russian Federation
In order to ensure effective communication, it is necessary to activate critical thinking, including the analysis of information, the argumentation of statements. The argument formulation is based on the presentation of its premises, the correct construction with the help of discursive markers. It helps to determine the cause-and-effect relationship, highlight the main and the secondary information, and links to individual judgment. It is noted, that the use of idioms as discursive markers of an argument premises allows building the logic of the message, formulating a clear statement, providing figurativeness, emotional coloring, and a variety of speech. A study conducted using the Sketch Engine system in the British National Corpus showed that a sufficient number of idioms were identified as synonyms, such as by right of, except that, in the light of something and others. The frequency of idioms use demonstrates a sufficient number of their occurrences in the corpus, and indicates their use in modern English. Identified and grouped idioms: idioms that reflect the reliability or doubts about the information provided; idioms that show the subjectivity of information evaluation, idioms that allow structuring prerequisites. It is shown that idioms make it possible to focus on the fact that certain information is introduced, which is the basis for an argument, the introduction of information, a premise for conclusions or generalizations, and they are widely used in informal and semi-official academic communication.
argumentation; argumentation logic; argument premises; premises markers; idioms; academic speech
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