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Abstract (English):
Introduction. Digital technologies are a strategically important trend that affects numerous areas of research and practice. They can provide a strategic competitive advantage in any industry, including fishery. The search for new solutions for the functioning of the agricultural industry is aimed at strategic global leadership in a number of areas, one of which is the traceability of fishery products. Study objects and methods. The present research featured the application of blockchain technology in the Russian fishery. It was based on Professor V.L. Kvint’s strategizing method taking into account industry specifics. Results and discussion. The study revealed the increasing importance of sustainable development in the fisheries sector and the need to meet consumer demand for information about the origin of the fish-based product. The article introduces strategic priorities and opportunities of blockchain technology in this industry. Conclusion. The contemporary fisheries sector requires a technological and logistics complexity in order to provide sustainable high-quality competitive products, and blockchain is a modern technology that corresponds to strategically significant trends and is able to boost the development of Russian fishery.

innovations, strategizing, blockchain, fishery complex
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