Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. A review of the literature devoted to one of the urgent problems of therapeutic dentistry — lip diseases. Objectives. Analysis of up-to-date information on lip diseases. Synthesis of the obtained data in a single concept. Methodology. The data of special literature were studied using scientific search library databases: PubMed, Elibrary, Cochrane, Google Scholar. Literature analysis was carried out on 45 sources. Results. In the modern world, diseases of the oral mucosa are widespread, among them lip diseases have a significant prevalence, many of which are insufficiently studied. Attempts have been repeatedly made to create a classification of heilites, however, as various authors note, there is no universally recognized classification today. The modern standard is the classification of ICD-10. Foreign researchers Kristina Pilipovich, Iva Crnarich, Mirna Shitum, Tomislav Duvanchich propose a new classification with the division of cheilitis into three groups (mainly reversible; mainly persistent; cheilitis associated with dermatoses or general somatic diseases). The special literature describes many aspects inherent in various types of cheilites. The modern direction of treatment of cheilitis is an integrated approach based on the joint implementation of general and local measures. Conclusions. To date, there is no universal treatment regimen for lip diseases, but many authors agree on the need to implement a combined treatment. This option with the use of different groups of drugs ensures the achievement of an effective result.

cheilitis, lip diseases, crack of a lip, treatment, classification

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