The main purpose of this study is to provide a scientific basis for increasing the area of cultivation of Virginia tobacco. The purchase prices for Virginia tobacco are higher than for the local tobacco Zagatala-67. The short growing season of this tobacco reduces labor costs and costs per unit area, prevents nitrate contamination of the soil, since less mineral fertilizers (especially nitrogen) are required for its cultivation. In addition, the reduced nicotine content in the product is less harmful to the health of the smoker. Methods. In 2018–2020, the experience was based on one agricultural background on a site with one type of relief. The experiment was carried out in 4 repetitions, in 4 rows of 28 m2 in each area, the length of each row is 10 meters. The experiment was laid on the soil of a gray-forest-meadow type under irrigation conditions in the Sheki Refugee Point. To determine the dynamics of growth, 10 plants were selected from each repetition, the growth of controlled plants was measured and recorded every 15 days. After drying the harvested leaves in modern drying chambers of the Rolla and Decloit brands, the productivity of dry leaves was determined. Results. According to the results of the study in the growing season of 2020, it turned out that the greatest growth dynamics among the options was obtained against the background of N45P120 + 20 tons and manure of the feeding area 90 × 40 cm. Thus, 70–80–50 % of the irrigation norm was 253.4 cm, 70–80–60 % of the irrigation norm 255.1 cm, 70–70–60 % of the irrigation norm 251.4 cm. The total yield was 29.5 c/ha at an irrigation norm of 70–80–50 %, 30.1 c/ha at an irrigation norm 70–80–60 %, 27.7 c/ha at an irrigation norm of 70–70–60 %. Scientific novelty. Due to the biological properties of Virginia flavored tobacco, nitrogen (N) fertilization is not considered acceptable. Thus, for the first time in Azerbaijan, the effect of nitrogen fertilizers on the cultivation of Virginia Koker 347 tobacco varieties under irrigation conditions was scientifically studied and recommended for production.
Virginiya, mariety, feeding condition, sprinkle scheme, vegetation, leaf
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