UDK 614 Социальная гигиена. Организация здравоохранения. Санитария. Защита от несчастных случаев и их предупреждение. Пожарная охрана
UDK 004 Информационные технологии. Компьютерные технологии. Теория вычислительных машин и систем
The problem of ensuring safety in case of fire of large objects is considered as a problem of engineering-oriented physics. The article discusses the concepts of the methodology for providing resources for fire departments in extinguishing fires and conducting emergency rescue operations. An algorithm of necessary actions in case of fire was obtained, including the provision of labor resources, material and technical resources and working capital. When extinguishing fires and carrying out rescue operations on large fires, and in our case at facilities with a massive stay of people, an algorithm of actions has been developed to provide resources for fire departments, for the implementation of which the rear is responsible in the person of the head of the rear. A mathematical model and methodology have been developed for providing fire departments with resources when extinguishing a fire and conducting emergency rescue operations using the example of the Passage shopping and entertainment center in Voronezh. We received an algorithm of certain actions that ensures fire extinguishing and emergency rescue operations, labor resources (fire brigade personnel), material and technical resources (fire vehicles, fire fighting and rescue weapons and equipment), working capital (gasoline, oils, foaming agents and other consumables). When extinguishing fires and carrying out rescue operations on large fires, and in our case at facilities with a massive stay of people, the rear, represented by the head of the rear, is responsible for the algorithm of actions to provide resources for fire departments. Recommendations were given to officials when extinguishing the fire in question. A scheme for the alignment of forces and means has been developed.
Mathematical modeling, methodology, fire development scenario, shopping mall, crowded places, fire safety, organization of rescue operations
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