Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper considers the processes occurring during the absorption of ionizing radiation energy. The task of developing mathematical models for determining the temperature of layers of a multilayer structure due to radiation absorption, the appearance of compression and tensile stresses, as well as tension associated with thermal expansion of the structure is set. It is assumed that the radiation energy is absorbed entirely in the beginning for a short period of time, and then it is redistributed across the layers. Each layer of the structure has its own initial and boundary conditions. Thus, the definition of a complex temperature profile is considered as the sum of some temperature profiles for simple problems solved analytically. The occurrence of stress in the structure is described by calculating the maximum value of the compression stress, the amplitude of the stress wave, as a result of which the expansion of materials can be observed. According to the proposed mathematical models, calculations of thermal and thermomechanical effects in a multilayer structure were carried out, the results of which are illustrated in the article by graphs of temperature distribution after exposure to ionization radiation, and stresses for different proportions of the thickness of the structure to its length.

Radiation exposure, ionizing radiation, thermal processes, multilayer structure, compression and tension stresses

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19. Svidetel'stvo o registracii programmy dlya EVM RU 2019663599. Programma dlya modelirovaniya stoykosti izdeliy v usloviyah dlitel'nogo vozdeystviya ioniziruyuschego izlucheniya kosmicheskogo prostranstva dlya sozdaniya radiacionno-stoykoy elektronnoy komponentnoy bazy : № 2019662572 zayavl. 11.10.2019 ; opubl. 21.10.2019 / A.S. Groshev, S.A. Evdokimova, V.K. Zol'nikov ; zayavitel' i pravoobladatel' FGBOU VO «VGLTU».

20. Svidetel'stvo o registracii programmy dlya EVM 2021664834. Programma dlya opredeleniya nachal'nogo urovnya radiacionnogo effekta pri vozdeystvii radiacii na mikroshemy : № 2021663914 zayavl. 06.09.2021 ; opubl. 14.09.2021 / I.V. Zhuravleva, K.A. Chubur, A.E. Kozyukov, V.K. Zol'nikov ; zayavitel' i pravoobladatel' FGBOU VO «VGLTU».

21. Svidetel'stvo o registracii programmy dlya EVM 2021664833. Programma rascheta vliyaniya radiacii na strukturu mikroshemy : № 2021663915 zayavl. 06.09.2021 ; opubl. 14.09.2021 / I.V. Zhuravleva, K.A. Chubur, A.E. Kozyukov, K.V. Zol'nikov ; zayavitel' i pravoobladatel' FGBOU VO «VGLTU».

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