Samara, Samara, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the analysis of regional social self-organization processes in the environment of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia today, in particular to the actual business relationships and connections, which ensure the existence and development of business, as well as the establishment of regional associations of entrepreneurs in the fi eld of their regional economic activity. The main emphasis is made on the analysis of institutional forms of self-organization, that is on the analysis of relationships between entrepreneurs and regional public organizations of entrepreneurs. Herewith relations of businessmen within the framework of their regional public association are treated as part of a broader range of business contacts of entrepreneurs – as an element of its business space. The basis of the analysis of the role and importance of the public association of small and medium-sized businesses in the regional business space is a binary model of entrepreneur business space.
small and medium-sized businesses, the business climate, regional social associations, self-organization of entrepreneurs, regional business space.
Part 1 of the article “Sociological model of business space of the Russian businessman” considered a model of regional business space of small and medium-sized businesses received within sociological research focused on the analysis of the structure of business relations of Russian businessmen needed to maintain and grow the business.
The second part of the article is devoted to sociological studies focused on a detailed analysis of the structure of the regional business space of entrepreneur in the sphere of small and medium size businesses, the place taken by business relationships with the entrepreneur community organizations in their region, as well as on the study of problems and resources of business associations as public organizations.
The empirical base is the results of the research done on the research project “Small and medium-sized businesses on the background of the business climate changes: structural changes, social dynamics at the regional level and the role of regional authorities”, supported by grants from the RFH.
A binary model of entrepreneur space was taken as a working model of business, which consists respectively from the field of private and public business relations.
The field of private business relations includes the following relations: “Business — help from relatives,” “Business — help from coreligionists”, “Business — help from their national diaspora”, “Business — help from friends”, “Business — help from classmates”, “Business — services for a bribe”, “Business — services for “cashing in” (shadow financial transactions), “Business — help from criminals”. This kind of relations includes the types of business relations, which are formed on an interpersonal basis, based on the individual, interpersonal trust and do not imply transparency, universal control by any organizations.
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