, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article analyzes Russian and foreign approaches to establishing the relationship between the level of digital competence of students as a condition for the readiness of future teachers to use digital technologies in the educational process. The purpose of this study is to diagnose the level of digital competencies among students and interpret the data obtained. Based on the analysis of Russian and foreign experience in the development of digital competencies among university students, a questionnaire was developed to assess the level of formation of digital skills and abilities. Data collection was carried out through an online survey of pedagogical university students using a structured questionnaire. The data obtained allowed us to conclude that the students of the pedagogical university demonstrated a sufficiently high level of digital competence. Future teachers demonstrated high results in such competencies as the use of digital solutions for effective communication with both teachers and students; the creation of their educational materials and assignments on subjects using a computer; modification and exchange of digital materials; the use of the Internet to search for information resources, comparison, evaluation and selection of digital resources; knowledge of the basics of digital security; the use of digital technologies at different stages of training and in the implementation of various organizational forms of training (lectures, practical classes, consultations, tests, exams, individual and group work, including on a project), including for self-organization and self-control and creative (productive) solutions of educational tasks.
readiness, information technologies, competencies, digital competence, digitalization of education, digital resources
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