Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
A special place among the historical and scientific works is occupied by the history of departments and the research of teachers’ biographies. This article studies biography, scientific and pedagogical work of Noskhov Nikolai Illarionovich, one of the first Heads (1954–1962) of the Department of descriptive geometry and mechanical drawing, associate Professor, Ph.D. His biography serves as a background for studying the state of engineering (geometry and graphics in particular) education in Russia and the USSR in the first half of the twentieth century. The bright period in Nikolay Illarionovich Noskhov´s life is his service in the navy (1909–1917), especially on the cruiser "Askold" (same type as the well-known cruiser "Variag") in World War I. For 37 years Since September 1925 Nikolay Illarionovich had managed departments of graphic disciplines in six higher education institutions of the USSR – three civil and three military ones. For eight years Since June 14, 1954 to July 9, 1962 Nikolay Illarionovich had being the Head of the department of descriptive geometry and mechanical drawing of MITHT. The Ph.D. thesis of N.I. Noskhov “A method of affine transformations in application to engineering tasks” was defended in December, 1942. Two of his seven scientific works aretheses, the remaining ones aresolid articles of 4 to 49 pages published in established scientific journals: Journal of inorganic chemistry of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Works of a seminar of TMM of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Reports of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, etc. The most fruitful scientific period for N.I. Noskhov were the 1950th when hedelivered six scientific works. Special value is attached to his works on graphic research of multicomponent systems by methods of polydimentional axonometry and monocentric square, particularly construction of multidimensional physical and chemical diagrams of state of matter.
historical, technical,and scientific research, descriptive geometry, drawing,non-classical secondary school, Sea engineering school, cruiser "Askold", department of descriptive geometry and mechanical drawing, method of affine transformations, multicomponent systems, method of polydimentional axonometry, method of monocentric square, multidimensional physical and chemical diagrams of state of matter.
Работы по истории науки и техники всегда вызывали большой интерес как широкой, так и научной общественности, а также крупных ученых, уделявших историко-техническим и историко-научным исследованиям значительное внимание.
В качестве примера укажем следующие работы:
- Бутлеров А.М. Исторический очерк развития химии. М., 1958;
- Меншуткин Н.А. Очерк развития химических воззрений. СПб., 1888;
- Канниццаро С. Исторический обзор применения атомистической теории к химии и систем формул, выражающих строение соединений. Киев, 1873;
- Оствальд В. История электрохимии. СПб., 1911;
- Азимов А. Краткая история химии. М., 1983;
- Дюпен Ш. Исторический очерк о службах и научных трудах Гаспара Монжа. Париж, 1819.
Это лишь самая малая толика примеров, которые можно привести: приблизительно 30–50% крупных ученых проводили историко-научные и (или) историко-технические исследования.
Среди специалистов геометро-графических дисциплин много исторических работ у профессоров Николая Алексеевича Рынина (1877–1942), Дмитрия Ивановича Каргина (1880–1949) и многих других.
Исключительное место история развития начертательной геометрии и черчения, биографические исследования занимают в творчестве профессора, д-ра техн. наук Бориса Федоровича Тарасова [9; 11–13]. Его докторская диссертация посвящена историко-геометрическим исследованиям, проблемам развития высшей школы.
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