Abstract. The purpose of this study is to clarify the place of Sino-Russian agricultural cooperation for the PRC in the context of Sino-American trade frictions, to identify the main factors that have a positive and negative impact on cooperation in the field of agriculture between the PRC and the Russian Federation. To achieve the goal, the following goals have been established: 1) analyze the state of agricultural cooperation between the PRC and the Russian Federation; 2) explore the problems in agricultural cooperation between the PRC and the Russian Federation at this stage; 3) evaluate the impact of Sino-US trade frictions on Sino-Russian agricultural cooperation. Statistical, analytical and graphical methods were used. Correlation-regression analysis was used to identify the impact of Sino-American trade frictions on agricultural cooperation between the PRC and the Russian Federation. Results. Agricultural cooperation with the United States and the Russian Federation is an important part of international cooperation in the field of agriculture for China. Sino-American trade tensions have, to some extent, indirectly contributed to agricultural cooperation between the PRC and the Russian Federation. The volume of trade in agricultural products between China and Russia in 2020 amounted to 5.544 billion US dollars, of which the import of agricultural products of China from the Russian Federation reached 4.087 billion US dollars, and China became the largest exporter of Russian agricultural products. The main reason is that under the influence of Sino-American trade frictions, China and Russia actively reacted and adjusted the direction of agricultural cooperation between the two countries. First, China expanded the types and volume of agricultural products imported from Russia and created a favorable environment for its trade. Second, China and Russia will seize the opportunity of “cooperation in the entire agricultural industry chain” to create a mutually beneficial investment environment. Third, to promote the creation of innovative platforms and mechanisms for scientific research and technology in the field of agriculture. The scientific novelty consists in assessing the impact of Sino-American trade frictions on agricultural interaction between the PRC and the Russian Federation and its trends in the future.
Sino-US trade tensions, Sino-Russian agricultural cooperation, agricultural trade, investment in agriculture, cooperation mechanism
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