An integrative approach, 4-factor self-destructive behavior questionnaire, and its psychometric features Report 1. Localization and integration of the self-destruction
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The author explores a theoretic background and develops an integrative model of self-destruction of personality. The existing views on selfdestruction are local and isolated. The self-destruction has not been researched in the whole commonality of its many factors and sources. A new step in self-destruction research is to study it in terms of integration. The following research turns to the two ways on integration: inductive and deductive. In inductive approach, the author choses a certain set of self-destruction factors (their localization) and raises a question whether they have a common basis. In the deductive approach, on the contrary, the author offers a certain general concept that leads to a set of local factors of self-destruction. Within the framework of the integrative approach, these areas of self-destruction research are considered to be complementary. They form the basis of an integrative model of selfdestruction and develop from the standpoint of the conceptual model of the plural Self. Concerning the deformations of the plural Self, the self-destruction appears as its antipode. There are four domains in the self-destruction of a healthy personality: dissatisfaction with oneself, need to dominate, intolerance, detachment. This model concretizes the heterogenous picture of self-destruction in terms of its domain structure, largely overcomes the isolated notions and generalizes them.

self-destruction, locality, integration, plural self, deformation, domains of self-destruction
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