Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the dynamics of the existence and development of linguistic phenomena in modern Russia on the example of the toponymy of Russian cottage settlements, which have not been the subject of linguistic analysis so far. A new term is introduced to define this variety of toponyms (cotonyms). Based on the analysis of a large illustrative material, a classification of cotonyms influenced by Western languages (mainly English) is proposed. The prevalence and non-randomness of this phenomenon is emphasized. The relationship between cotonyms and the formation of the modern linguistic landscape, of which, according to the authors, they are a part, is established. It is argued that cotonyms can become visual material for the sociolinguistic characteristics of modern Russian society. The problem is being investigated, whether it is possible to consider the trend towards the presence of anglicisms in the names of Russian cottage settlements as a nationwide phenomenon. On the basis of analytical and statistical methods of research, it is argued that the use of foreign names for dacha (cottage) settlements has a non-ethnic (all-Russian) character. and a narrower sociolinguistic one, characteristic only of a part of the privileged (wealthy) strata of Russian society, Eurocentric in their mentality. A possible approach to cotonyms is proposed, on the one hand, as a logoepistemic unit that belongs to both culture and language, and on the other hand, as a “text”. A historical digression into the origin of some Russian toponips is given. Cotonyms of the post-perestroika period and dachonyms (the names of the dachas are the authors) of the Soviet period, which carry an ideological load, are compared. The issues of toponymic policy are touched upon. It is concluded that cotonyms are an important linguistic and cultural phenomenon of great communicative significance.

development of linguistic phenomena, toponymy, linguistic analysis, cotonyms as a variety of toponyms, sociolinguistic character, communicative significance, logoepistemic unit

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