The article is devoted to the problem of considering feminitives from a linguistic and communicative point of view, discussing the question of how natural or artificial the use of the words of this group is in different situations of interpersonal communication. Feminitives have existed in Russian speech for a long time, but their use was extremely inconsistent and remains so to this day. Currently, the discourse on feminitives is one of the most relevant in communication science and linguistics, in new speech and communication practices. In modern Russian, two opposite linguistic tendencies coexist. On the one hand, the formation of correlates to masculine words denoting professions, i.e. active use of feminitives in speech, and, on the other hand, the use of masculine words regardless of gender. As illustrations, the exhibits of the art exhibition, composed of the works of A. Deineka and A. Samokhvalov, are used, in the canvases of which not only visually, pictorially and graphically, the era is reflected, but the language of time is fixed verbally: the names of a large number of paintings, sketches and sculptures are feminitives. In addition, contemporary literary and cinematic texts are also cited as examples.
feminitives; communication practices; two tendencies; inconsistency; exhibition; literature; cinema
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