Russian Federation
The article considers the results of carrying out geological and technical measures on the wells of the Astrakhan gas condensate field. The main objectives of this study are to establish the relationship between the tectonic structure of the AGCF and the porosity and reservoir properties of the reservoir rocks that make up this field, as well as the description of oil and gas potential based on the lithological and stratigraphic features of the field. The results of the calculation of the economic efficiency of the results of geological and technical measures are given. At the field in different periods of operation, various technologies were used to increase the productivity of wells. Geological and technical measures were carried out at the AGCF wells using a set of coiled tubing during development after drilling and during the development after a workover of wells from the machine at the wells of the existing well stock. Based on the results of the subsoil user's assessment, it was found that for all wells, as a result of geological and technical measures, a positive effect was obtained, expressed in an increase in production rate at the same working pressure. The results of the hydrochloric acid treatment were summed up; the average increase in production rate for complex treatments is indicated; the final average increase in debit is indicated. The efficiency of the hydrochloric acid treatment carried out for the first time is emphasized; the average increase in production rate based on the results of hydrochloric acid treatments is indicated. Conclusions were drawn about the reservoir properties of reservoir rocks of the field and the degree of homogeneity of the lithological composition, on the basis of which information was obtained on the economic efficiency of the experiments, the use of which is possible only after the development of modern technologies for influencing the reservoir.
Astrakhan gas condensate field, oil, gas, geological and technical measures, hydrocarbons, reservoir pressure
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