Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
There were 40 patients with a metabolic syndrome with erectile dysfunction under observation. All patients received physiotherapy exercises, psychotherapeutic correction of a sex disadaptation, epicutaneous electrical stimulation of cavernous bodies of a penis and muscles of a pelvic bottom, and acupuncture according to specially developed scheme. It is proved that the combination of medical methods provides duration of therapeutic effect after course of treat-ment. Normalization of integrated indicators of the International index of erectile function came at 72,5% of patients. Vegetative indicators reached values of norm at 72,5% of patients, normalization of volume of a prostate came at 72,5% of patients, a prostate hemodynamic – at 70% of patients. The penil hemodynamic was normalized at 72,5% of patients. Normalization of functional activity hypothalamic – adrenal and testicular system came at 70% of patients. Components of a copulative cycle reached values of norm at 70% of patients. Carbohydrate metabolism was normalized at 75%, lipide – at 72,5%, biochemical markers of endothelial dysfunction – at 72,5% of patients, the index of exacerbations of a metabolic syndrome decreased by 1,9 times. The remote results of therapeutic effect in 1 year after treatment showed that appreciable improvement was observed at 55%, improvement – at 25%, without improvement – at 20% of patients.

acupuncture, neurostimulation therapy, metabolic syndrome, erectile dysfunction

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