Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The pyelonephritis is the most frequent disease of urinary system in children with long current and process synchronization. Up to the present time, the scientific studies on the effectiveness of pelotherapy at the chronic pyelo-nephritis in children with ecological burdened history aren’t carried out; there are no methods of its application for this population group of patients. 40 children, aged 7-14 years, with chronic pyelonephritis in ecological burdened history were examined. In the complex Spa treatment, the pelotherapy was held traditionally on the lumbar region or developed adaptive-reflex technique. The advantage of the proposed approach to pelotherapy been proven that confirmed the best elimination of the complaints of patients and more pronounced dynamics of the signs of micro-hematuria, pyuria, oxaluria and recovery antichristianity ability urine on calcium phosphates in all patients. In comparison with the conventional treatment, the proposed technique is less invasive and more adequate, providing a gradual and consistent involvement of various reflex zones, which is important in violation of the adaptation processes in patients with ecologo-hygienic history. In addition, it is proved that the appointment of mud applications on a delicate mode contributes to the stimulation of protective forces of an organism, mainly through regulatory and training effects on various systems of the child´s body, without causing general and local pathological reactions.
children, ecology, chronic pyelonephritis, spa treatment, mineral waters, mud applications
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