, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
GRNTI 68.41 Ветеринария
Vector-borne deceases (CVBDs) are registered in all Russia regions except of far northern, but the prevalence of CVBD infections in domestic dogs is low in most places. The main CVBDs, which have been expressed in dogs and observed by vets for previous decades are: babesiosis (in most regions), and dirofillariosys (in Krasnodar and Stavropol regions). But during few last years the vet clinics of Russia Black Sea Coast have reporting about frequent ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis cases, and a few hepazoonosis and leichmaniosys cases.The Black Sea Coast region strongly differs from others regions of Russia, because CVBDs here are detected round the year but not only in specific season. The biggest domestic dog population in this region habits in Sochi area. One hundred dogs having specific clinical signs of CVBDs or having nonspecific clinical signs and tick history and had not regularly been treated against ticks and mosquitoes were studies at Vetpatrul vet clinic in Sochi. Blood samples were tested using the IDEXX SNAP® 4Dx® test, Leishmania SNAP® and was evaluated for CVBD using PCR: E.canis, An phagocytothilum, An.platys, Dirofilaria immitis, .D.repens, Hepatozoon canis, Babesia spp., Babesia gibsoni. CVBDs were revealed in 55 of 100 studied dogs: mono infections (38 dogs) of ehrlichiosis (26 dogs), anaplasmosis (5), hepazoonosis (4), dirofilariosis (2), borreliosis(1); mix infections (17) of all above mentioned infections plus babesiosis. Leishmaniosis was not revealed. Twenty five dogs of 100 have had specific clinical signs of CVBD: anemia, fever, weakness, anorexia, hemorrhage, renal failure, ophthalmology diseases (iridocyclitis, uveitis, chorioretinitis). Seven dogs of 100 died.
canine vector borne diseases, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, borreliosis dirofilariosis, hepatozoonosis, leishmaniosis
1. Eberts M.D., Vissotto de Paiva Diniz P.P., Beall M.J., Stillman B.A., Chandrashekar R,, Breitschwerdt E.B., Typical and atypical manifestations of Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in dogs, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc., 2011, No. 47(6), pp. 86-94.
2. Egenvall A., Bjöersdorff A., Lilliehöök I., Olsson Engvall E., Karlstam E., Artursson K., Hedhammar A., Gunnarsson A., Early manifestations of granulocytic ehrlichiosis in dogs inoculated experimentally with a Swedish Ehrlichia species isolate, Vet Rec,. 1998, No. 143(15). Pp. 412-417.
3. Granick J.L., Armstrong P.J., Bender J.B., Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in dogs: 34 cases (2000-2007), J Am Vet Med Assoc., 2009, No. 15, pp. 234.
4. Kohn B., Galke D., Beelitz P., Pfister K., Clinical features of canine granulocytic anaplasmosis in 18 naturally infected dogs, J Vet Intern Med., 2008, No. 22(6), pp. 1289-1295.
5. Komnenou A.A., Mylonakis M.E., Kouti V., Tendoma L., Leontides L., Skountzou E., Dessiris A., Koutinas A.F., Ofri R., Ocular manifestations of natural canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (Ehrlichia canis): a retrospective study of 90 cases, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2007, No. 10, pp. 137-142.
6. Lilliehöök I., Egenvall A., Tvedten H.W., Hematopathology in dogs experimentally infected with a Swedish granulocytic Ehrlichia species, Vet Clin Pathol., 1998, No. 27(4), pp. 116-122.
7. Livanova N., Fomenko N.V., Akimov I.A., Ivanov M.J., Tikunova N.V., Armstrong R., Konyaev S.V., Dog Survey in Russian veterinary hospitals: ticks identification and molecular detection of tick-borne patogens, Parasites and vectors, 2018, Vol. 14, No. 11 (1), pp. 591.
8. Rar V.A., Maksimova T.G., Zakharenko L.P., Bolykhina S.A. Dobrotvorsky A.K., Morozova O.V. Babesia DNA Detection in Canine Blood and Dermacentor reticulatus Ticks in Southwestern Siberia, Russia. Vector-Borne and zoonotic disease 2005, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 285-287.
9. Show S.E., Day M.J., Arthropod-borne diseases infectious of the dog and cat, Barselona, Manson Publishing, The Veterinary Press, 2005, 152 p.
10. Coy C.L., Evans J.B., Lee A.M., Dugat D.R., Levine J.M., Griffin J.F., American Canine Hepatozoonosis Causes Multifocal Periosteal Proliferation on CT: A Case Report of 4 Dogs, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2022, Vol. 9, pp. 1-8.
11. Volgina N.S., Romashov B.V., Romashova N.B., Shtannikov A.V., Prevalence of borreliosis, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis and dirofilaria immitis in dogs and vectors in Voronezh Reserve (Russia). Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases: 2013, No. 36, pp. 567-574.
12. Balagula T.V., Zabolotskij V.T., Akbaev M.S. Episootologiya babesiosa sobak v usloviyah Moskvy I Moskovskoi oblasti [Epizootiology of canine babesiosis in Moscow and Moscow region], Sbornik nauchnyh trudov MGUPB, 1999, pp.29-31.
13. Kartashov S.N., Ermakov A.M., Mironova A.A., Minoranskij V.A., Kazadaev A.A. Epizooticheskie osobennosti kleshchevy’x infektsij sobak i ih vectory v Rostovskoi oblasti [Epizootic feature of CVBD in Rostov region], Isvestia vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Severo-Kavkazskij region, 2011, No. 1 (161), pp. 65-67.
14. Kartashov S.N., Ermakov A.M., Kluchnikov A.G., Butenkov A.I., Kartashova E.V., Aksenova P.V. Rasshirenie areala Babesia gibsoni. Novyj etiologicheskij factor v Rostovskoi oblasty [Spread of areal Babesia gibsoni. New disease in Rosvov region], Veterynarnaya patologia, 2017, No. 1(59), pp. 24-28.
15. Radyuk E.V., Vasilevich F.I., Volgina N.S., Chernomorecz S.A., Rasprostranennost` anaplazmoza sredi sobak v Novosibirske [Prevalence of anaplasmosis among dogs in Novosibirsk], Veterinariya, 2016, No. 12, pp. 35-39.
16. Radyuk E.V., Vasilevich F.I., Volgina N.S., Rasprostranennost` anaplazmoza, borrelioza i kleshhevogo e`ncefalita u sobak v g. Irkutske [Prevalence of anaplasmosis, borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis in dogs in Irkutsk], Rosiyski veterinarnyj zhurnal. Melkie domashnie i dikie zhivotny`e, 2015, No. 4, pp. 22-23.
17. Radyuk E.V., Epizootologiay i diagnostika anaplasmosa i sochetannyh transmissivny’x zabolevanij [Epizootiology and diagnostic of anaplasmosis and another CVBD], Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis, Moscow, 2018, 22 p.
18. Filimonova O.B., Kataeva A.M. Ocenka rasprostranennosti vozbuditelej vektorny`x zabolevanij Anaplasma spp., Ehrlichia canis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Dirofilaria spp. na territorii Moskvy`, Rostova-na-Donu i Krasnodara [Prevalence evaluation of the vector transmitted pathogens Anaplasma spp., Ehrlichia canis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Dirofilaria spp. and Babesia spp. in a Representative Dog Population of Moscow, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar], Rosiyski veterinarnyj zhurnal. Melkie domashnie i dikie zhivotny`e, 2014, No. 2, pp. 48-50.