Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article describes the methodology and algorithm for determining linear fluid pressure losses in pipeline. Liquid substances widely used in the national economy are usually stored in special tanks. To store a large amount of liquid product, separate tanks are combined into tank farms. Tank farms are being built at industrial enterprises and transshipment bases of various transport systems. An example of this is the storage of vegetable oils in the seaport of Yeysk (Russian Federation, Krasnodar territory). Pumps (mainly centrifugal), pipelines, auxiliary devices are used to transfer liquid cargo from a vehicle to a tank, or back. The design of liquid product storage is impossible without hydraulic calculation of this equipment. Pressure losses to overcome hydraulic resistances have a significant impact on the operation of pipeline systems. The methodology of calculating linear fluid pressure losses in pipelines includes the determination of the flow mode (laminar/turbulent), followed by the calculation of the Darcy friction coefficients. Based on the results obtained, the pressure loss along the flow length is calculated, taking into account the geometric characteristics of the pipeline (length, diameter) and the fluid velocity. The methodology was used to construct an algorithm for calculating linear fluid pressure losses. This algorithm can be applied as part of a previously created algorithm for calculating and selecting a pumping unit for storage of liquid products.

Pipeline, liquid product, linear pressure losses, laminar flow regime, turbulent flow regime, Darcy coefficient, algorithm

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