Purpose: Modernization of rail unloading-supply technology of rail unloading-supply automatic system with the development of multifunctional rail grip and the definition of compliance degree of being used I-beam 36M as a monorail to new requirements for a strength. Methods: Computer modeling of solid virtual model of being designed rail grip is developed in the environment of computer-aided design system SolidWorks. Results: Load-carrying beam of unloading-supply automatic system (USAS) lifting device with a new grip is calculated. It’s found that the I-beam as of 36M grade fully meets required strength and rigidity conditions at installing a new grip on a solid plot. Practical significance: Design of automatic rail grip is designed that’s reckoned upon work with one or three rails simultaneously.
rail, multifunctional rail grip, rail strap, beam, lifting device, section, strength, rigidity, solid virtual model
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