The article analyzes the problem of restoring social justice as one of the three goals of criminal punishment established in the criminal law. The author comes to the conclusion that despite the clear priority that the legislator gives to this goal, the law does not disclose the content of the concept of “restoring social justice” and does not specify the criteria for achieving this goal. Attention is drawn to the fact that, unlike the other two goals of punishment (correction of the convicted person and prevention of new crimes), the current Penal Code of the Russian Federation does not mention the restoration of social justice.This also does not help practitioners understand the purpose of the punishment in question. It is proved that in the case of a crime committed by a juvenile, it can be argued that this teenager is not provided with the necessary correct moral and legal education.Taking this into account, it is problematic to restore social justice by punishing a teenager, since punishment alone cannot make up for the lack of education that any child needs.Based on the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the administration of juvenile justice (the Beijing rules), adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1985, it is argued that in cases of crimes committed by juveniles, the goal of restoring social justice would be more consistent with the use of compulsory measures of educational influence rather than the imposition of punishment on them.In this regard, the problems of the content of such measures, the choice in practice of the optimal measure or set of measures in each case are updated. In theoretical terms, questions of the legal nature and goals of compulsory educational measures also need to be addressed.
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