Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To study the impact of parking lot presence on an urban transport system. To consider the issue on the necessity to adjust existing approaches to parking location selection and on the possibility of simulation modeling while feasibility assessment of lots’ placement. To pursue the testing of developed methodology for feasibility evaluation of parking space placement for autos on the example of particular section of road network. Methods: Comparison of existing approaches to parking space placement and the approaches’ correction, simulation modeling of motor car parking lot formation, mathematical statistics methods when experiment results’ processing with a simulation model. Results: The influence of parking spaces on urban transport system is considered. Methods for feasibility assessment of car parking lot location have been proposed and simulation model has been developed allowing to determine the required number of parking places for being considered section of road network, to estimate an approximate cost of the facility construction and expected profit at the facility commercialization, as well as to forecast impact of changes’ results on traffic flow indicators. Practical importance: The proposed algorithm and methodology for assessing the feasibility of placement and for definition of main parameters for car parking lots can be used in the development of an urban transport system. The methodology use in conjunction with the developed simulation model allows at the selection stage of promising locations of parking lots to take into account a social significance, project recoupment, traffic situation on the selected section of road network and to investigate further impact of the created parking space on the parameters of traffic flow.

Parking space, urban transport system, simulation modeling, placement of parking lots, traffic flow
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