Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: The paper poses some promising trends of modern projection science development for high-speed railway plan and profile. The main objective of the trends is to critically rethink the provisions of the existing regulatory design base of the projection. The question on inadmissibility of the arrangement of complex spatial geometry sections — the sections of coincidence of a vertical curve in a profile and a passage curve in a plan — is one of such provisions. Methods: In the frames of the conducted research, a theoretical approach to the determination of force impacts at the section of complex spatial geometry is proposed. Results: It is established that force impact value is caused by vertical curve direction (convex or concave), as well as by calculated value of outstanding acceleration in being considered curve, Studies of the influence of sections with complex spatial geometry on the dynamics of high-speed rolling stock motion show that at certain combination of circular and vertical curve radii for motion various speeds, it is possible to minimize negative dynamic effects caused by the presence of complex spatial geometry section. Practical importance: As a result of the work, it was found that at speeds of 350 km/h or more, the superimposition of a vertical curve in the profile and a passage curve in the plan is acceptable without applying additional requirements to the curve parameters. The radius of the circular curve should be increased by 30-60% at speeds of less than 350 km/h.

railway plan, horizontal alignment, high-speed railway, passage curves, verticals curves, vertical and passage curve superimposition
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