Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To develop tools for assessment of the effects from cargo transportation safety improvement which provide for qualitative implementation of projects aimed at minimization of negative impact on natural environment including atmospheric emissions cut. The study object constitutes the activity of JSC “Russian Railways” which policy is aimed at meeting the goals of stable development with the use of stable financing tools in its practice. Methods: Analysis basic methods are applied — statistical analysis of target indicators of traffic safety level and of intensity of harmful substance emissions into the atmosphere. An index approach is used for to calculate environmental safety level. Results: Comprehensive evaluation of environmental factors, which takes into account volume of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and of safety at railway transport infrastructure is given. The components of cargo transportation safety on railway transport infrastructure are systematized to ensure jobs proper quality and efficient operation of transport units. Algorithm for the assessment of environmental safety level has been developed which accounts for emission types into the atmosphere. Analysis and processing of data array on emissions of greenhouse gases, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons into the atmosphere underlies the algorithm. Practical importance: The obtained results are of applied character since they propose and substantiate series of measures aimed at stirring up the efficiency of “green” measures by JSC «Russian Railways».

railway transport, effect evaluation, safe transportation
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