graduate student
, Russian Federation
Purpose: To consider principles of green financing, their application practice in Russian Federation. To show up directions of the activity of those companies which development will raise attractiveness of socially and ecologically responsible investment of a bankroll. To pursue the analysis of the investment program of energetic enterprises, comprising transport holding. Methods: Research has been pursued for global approaches in investment project evaluation, in particular, there has been considered and assessed the investment program of the enterprise comprising JSC “RZHD”. The analysis of an explanatory note has been made on the realization of investment programs, aimed to the update of fixed assets, on the example of Oktyabr’skaya Administration of Energy-Supply of — Transenergo structural subdivision — an affiliate of JSC “RZHD”. Results: The indexes of “green finances” of various countries are considered, verification criteria have been researched of projects and programs which support society social welfare and natural environment care policies, Regulations are characterized which adjust ESG (Environmental Social Governance)-financing in Russian Federation. Issue dynamics of “green” obligations of a railway sector enterprise is analyzed. The trends, which development of will raise the attractiveness of a socially and ecologically responsible payroll investment, are indicated. The information on organizations, occupied with being embodied programs of energy effectiveness, is given. The drawbacks in information, being presented for verifying the issuance of stocks which provide for the implementation of ESG-programs, are shown up. Practical importance: The research obtained results of the article can be applied in the sphere of evaluation of investment programs for energetic and transport industries on the matter of ESG-principles compliance.
Green economy, non-financing reporting, investment project attractiveness, stable development, investment project evaluation indexes
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