Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
This article discusses the issues of using ground-based stereophotogrammetric survey to determine the geometric elements of logging roads. Due to the lack of developments on the assessment of accuracy in determining the geometric elements of roads, the use of terrestrial stereophotogrammetry makes it possible to eliminate the shortcomings of geodetic measurement methods, since it makes it possible to obtain reliable information about the road as a result of the use of modern computer technologies. These issues are very relevant when performing work on the inspection of logging roads for the purpose of their reconstruction. For carrying out the reconstruction of a logging road, along with the definition of its elements, such as the width of the carriageway, the radius of horizontal and vertical curves, it is very important to determine the main points of the curves. This is due to the need to survey the existing road in terms of traffic safety on it. Determining the position of the beginning and end of the curve directly in the field is a rather complex and time-consuming task. The most rational way to determine the main points of the curve will be the one in which all measuring operations will be carried out in the office process and with sufficient accuracy for further design. To determine the main points of the curve, an analytical method is proposed using materials from ground-based stereophotogrammetric survey, which is based on obtaining the polar coordinates of these points of the curve. The use of ground-based stereophotogrammetric surveys makes it possible to obtain objective and high-quality information about a logging road, transfer labor-intensive measurement operations to the cameral process, and automate survey work. Ground-based photo-video recording materials allow directly in office conditions using a stereoscopic terrain model to measure the width of the subgrade of the road, the radii of vertical and horizontal curves, the angles of inclination and slopes of lines, and to determine the position of the main points of the curves. The use of modern computer technologies significantly increases the advantages of the ground-based stereophotogrammetry method.
Logging road, stereo photogrammetry, road geometric elements, intelligent information system
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