Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the process of studying wireless sensor network protocols and communication mechanisms, the extension of network service life and minimization of node power consumption have become important indicators. In order to reduce the energy consumption caused by communication in a wireless sensor network, improve network scalability and extend the network lifecycle, it is important to intelligently connect network nodes using a certain clustering algorithm. The paper proposes an improved routing protocol for wireless sensors with low power consumption LEACH, based on data aggregation (C-LEACH). The Kalman filter algorithm was used to solve the problem of data accuracy on cluster member nodes. The principle of operation of the Kalman filter is explained by the example of the noise signal of the sensor. The above data modification model can be performed continuously to achieve the optimal evaluation and filtering effect. Thus, the volume of data sent by the node is reduced. Experimental results have shown that the proposed LEACH protocol based on data fusion (C-LEACH) effectively reduces data redundancy, reduces the power consumption of sensor nodes and prolongs the life cycle of wireless sensor networks compared to the traditional LEACH algorithm, significantly improves network integrity.

Wireless sensor network, LEACH routing protocol, Kalman filter, sensor, clustering

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