Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Obtaining timely, reliable and complete information about the state of the aviation system, and its processing using the latest information technologies is one of the most promising directions in solving the problem of reducing accidents in aviation. The paper presents an analysis of peculiarities of information and mathematical modeling of flight safety management process. One of the methods of ensuring flight safety is to monitor the production of flights, as well as to analyze the quality of officials' performance of their direct duties, which allows identifying and classifying emerging hazards, accumulating information in databases for subsequent use as a decision support system in the process of flight management, as well as for carrying out preventive measures to eliminate them. A mathematical model is given, based on a proactive method, the essence of which is to actively detect and predict the occurrence of hazardous factors of flight activity before their manifestation in flight. The model includes consideration of the effectiveness of flight safety management by various organizational groups at several stages of flight preparation, as well as an analysis of the effectiveness of officials. Based on the proposed mathematical model, a flight safety control system was developed, which is designed to constantly influence the elimination of hazardous factors, both on the ground and in the air. The system operates around a specific crew and a specific aircraft during the preparation, conduct and analysis of the flight. The use of the proposed management system, together with a model for assessing the organizational performance of officials, allows for the most comprehensive consideration and prevention of factors affecting flight safety. Description, structure diagrams, screen forms of the application package implementing the proposed mathematical model and flight safety management system, as well as results of testing of the proposed system in military units are given.

Aviation accident, flight safety management, aviation system, control actions, control efficiency, flight safety management system, assessment of officials activities.

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