Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The technology of statistical data processing using software and the C# programming language is considered. Various approaches to the study of statistical data are considered, both with the help of special mathematical software tools such as Scilab, MATLAB, Octave and by writing their own programs using specialized mathematical libraries. An overview of the methods of mathematical processing of the results of the experiment is given. A comparative analysis of various libraries for performing statistical data processing for the C# programming language is performed. A comparative analysis of the choice of programming language is performed from the point of view of the use of application libraries, depending on the presence of mathematical libraries for statistical data processing. Software constructs are being built for the IL Numerics Ultimate VS library, which is an extension for Visual Studio and allows you to write and execute mathematical algorithms in a very fast and efficient way. Data interpolation and visualization functions are studied based on the construction of graphs of functions based on statistical data. The Microsoft Word XX library is considered. YY Object Library which allows you to process text, tabular and graphical data in order to place them and save them in MS Word.
Statistical data, interpolation, C# language, IL Numerics Ultimate VS library, Microsoft Word XX library.YY Object Library, Scilab, MATLAB, Octave.
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