from 01.01.2019 to 01.01.2020
Sibirskiy yuridicheskiy universitet ( docent kafedry grazhdanskogo processa)
Tyumen', Tyumen, Russian Federation
Scientific research is the main form of the process of cognition of objective reality by means and methods of science, and discussion about the results of such research is one of the forms of verification of the knowledge obtained, which integrates them into a single scientific discourse, and also subordinates the general principles and rules of development. The purpose of this article is to determine the criteria for the novelty of the results of scientific research on the example of a specific dissertation study on constitutional law education as an independent category of constitutional law and the essence of the comments on the novelty of the results of this work and the terminology used, consistently stated in two scientific publications. Based on the results of consideration of these comments, the author comes to the conclusion that a comprehensive scientific and practical study of the process of constitutional legal education, which includes the entire spectrum of public relations related to the formation of objective needs for constitutional and legal regulation of public relations and their satisfaction through the conscious and volitional activity of competent subjects (by adopting, revising the Constitution of the Russian Federation and constitutional amendments, interpretation and law-making activity of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation) is justified, has scientific novelty and can serve as a basis for further scientific research.
novelty of scientific research; constitutional law education; constitutional law-making interpretation
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