Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Within the framework of this study, the author has attempted to identify the main approaches to the definition and interpretation of the essence of the concept of “discrediting the internal affairs bodies”. The etymology of the word “discredit” is considered, as well as ways to counteract this strategy. The main legal sources and acts of judicial interpretation, directly and indirectly affecting the issues of protection of internal affairs bodies employees from discrediting the internal affairs bodies, have been studied. Based on a comparative study of various points of view of authors developing related topics, the key signs of discrediting the internal affairs bodies at the present stage are highlighted. The author’s judgments regarding the types and forms of discrediting of the internal affairs bodies are made, special attention is paid to criminal self-discrediting. New signs of the phenomenon under consideration are proposed, and optimal ways to counteract the discrediting of internal affairs bodies are characterized. Based on the studied data, their systematization and evaluation, the main approaches to the definition of the concept of “discrediting the ATS” are highlighted.

discrediting, internal affairs bodies, police officer, undermining authority, image, approaches to definition, forms of discrediting
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