The article presents the results of studies of the phenotypic properties of bacteria of the pseudomonas complex group isolated from the microflora of 57 individuals of rainbow trout Parasalmo mykiss Walbaum, 1792, aged 1+ and 2+, selected for a planned study from reservoirs of fishery importance located in Karelia. The emphasis on the phenotypic properties of isolated microorganisms is associated with the increasing epizootic role of virulent strains of Pseudomonas aureofaciens, Ps. chlororaphis, Ps. fluorescens, Ps. putida and others in the development of infectious diseases of salmon fish species. Isolation, identification and study of phenotypic features of isolated pseudomonas cultures were performed according to the recommendations for laboratory diagnostics of Pseudomonas for fish. In parallel, to analyze the degree of invasiveness, the hemolytic activity (HA), as well as the ability to biofilm formation (BPO) and the antilysozyme activity (ALA) of bacteria were evaluated. It was found that the isolated phenotypic variants of pseudomonas bacteria have a pronounced invasiveness, which is more manifested in the form of hemolytic and anti-lysozyme activity.
pseudomonads, phenotypic diversity, invasiveness, rainbow trout microflora
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