Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The specifics of the activities of construction enterprises, the presence of numerous controlled requirements, leads to the emergence of risks, the implementation of which can lead to significant losses. To ensure the economic security of the construction enterprise, a timely risk assessment is required in order to prevent their implementation. It is not practical to control the entire risk set. It is necessary to assess and distinguish the most significant risks from the totality. The article presents the author's methodology for assessing the economic safety risks of construction enterprises: a diagram and description of the main stages of the risk assessment methodology, more detailed recommendations for carrying out individual stages of the methodology and on the formation of the necessary documents. Monitored indicators and indicators of continuous risk control are defined in relation to the features of construction activities. The proposed methodology will ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the assessment of economic security risks, which was confirmed by the results of testing at the construction industry enterprise.
economic security risks, risk assessment methodology, economic security, construction industry enterprises
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