Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem of determining the structure and content of the professional competence of library specialists in the context of digitalization is becoming more and more urgent and does not find its solution due to the lack of a valid professional standard for a specialist in library and information activities. The need to clearly describe the structure of the digital competence of the modern librarian, as well as how to develop it, determined the problems of this article. The methodological and theoretical basis of this study was compiled by leading theories and scientific schools on a competent approach, set forth in the works of domestic and foreign scientists. The paper describes the structure of digital competence of the university library staff, which includes cognitive, functional-activity, motivation-value and communicative components. The organizational and methodological conditions for the development of digital competence among the staff of the university library are justified and described. The authors developed the contents of educational routes built taking into account the specifics of the digital activities of the categories of university employees.

digitalization, digital competence, digital competencies of library staff, individual educational routes, university library

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