Arterial hypertension (AH) is the most important component in the structure of cardiovascular morbidity (CVD) and mortality (CVS). Arterial hypertension with concomitant coronary heart disease (CHD), due to its mutual burden, is a very urgent problem in terms of therapeutic effects. In international studies [1], a bimodal dependence of the prognosis of a disease in patients with arterial hypertension with concomitant coronary heart disease on the level of blood pressure (BP), structural and functional disorders of the myocardium and lipid profile, and the risk of developing cardiovascular complications and mortality was proved. In this connection, a comprehensive approach to the treatment of patients with arterial hypertension with concomitant coronary heart disease is a priority, suggesting its greatest effectiveness in the multi-factor pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. The purpose of this study is the scientific justification for the use of complex technologies for treating patients with arterial hypertension in combination with coronary heart disease, which belong to the weighted category of cardiological patients, aimed at reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular complications and thereby improving the prognosis of the disease. The study included 90 patients with stage Г AH, 2 degrees of increased blood pressure, very high cardiovascular risk, with combined coronary heart disease, angina pectoris Ι-ΙΙΙ FC. Patients with a 1: 1 randomization method were divided into 2 groups, comparable in age, main clinical manifestations and drug treatment: group 1 (40 patients) received common siliceous baths, infrared laser therapy and speleoclimatotherapy; Group 2 (50 patients) - common siliceous-carbon baths, infrared laser therapy and speleoclimatotherapy. All patients were on constant optimally selected drug therapy, which has not changed over the past 2 months. BP was measured daily in the morning and evening hours, and echocardiography was performed twice (before and after the course of treatment) to assess the dynamics of the structural and functional state of the myocardium and a blood test to assess the dynamics of the lipid spectrum. The results obtained were statistically processed using the EXEL and STATISTICA 10 programs. The level of statistical significance was assumed to be p <0.05. The obtained results of the integrated use of the above physiological, balneological, and climatic factors in the treatment of patients with arterial hypertension and associated coronary heart disease indicate the correction of the main factors of cardiovascular risk of complications: elevated blood pressure, structural and functional myocardial disorders, blood lipid spectrum, warning, as established further progression of the disease.
arterial hypertension, very high risk of cardiovascular complications, coronary heart disease, structural and functional disorders of myocardium, lipid spectrum of blood, complex treatment technologies, general siliceous baths, general siliceous-carbon dioxide baths, infrared laser therapy, speleotherapy
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