Worldwide, arterial hypertension (AH) is the most common cardiovascular disease. Despite the fact that today, high efficacy and persistent hypotensive effect of transcerebral pulsed electro- and magnetic therapy in patients with AG has been proven, it seems relevant to develop optimal transcerebral effects for this category of patients. The aim of this study was to select optimal transcerebral effects in patients with mild arterial hypertension, depending on hemodynamic types of central hemodynamics and microcirculation. Methods: The study included 82 patients with MAG from 45 to 79 years and the the duration of the disease from 2 to 11 years.Patients in the first group (40 patients) received MDM mesodial encephalus modulation and in the second group (42 patients) combined magnetotherapy (PeMP and PMP). Results: It was found out that patients with MAG who received MDM had a pronounced hypotensive effect due to improvement of the basic indices of central hemodynamics regardless of the type of blood circulation. As well as MDM causes positive correction of the basic parameters of capillary blood flow, regardless of the initial type of microcirculation. In patients with MAG combined magnetotherapy (PeMP and PMP) causes hypotensive effect, which is accompanied by a favorable restructuring of the basic parameters of central hemodynamics in hyperkinetic type of hemocirculation. Correction of microcirculatory disorders has been established only in patients with spastic type of hemodynamics. Conclusion: On the basis of the conducted studies it is possible to say that MDM and transcerebral combined magnetotherapy contribute to the effectiveness of treatment of patients with hypertension. Sufficiently high efficacy of applied methods allows to approach them in a differentiated way based on clinical and hemodynamic features of hypertension course.
arterial hypertension, combined magnetotherapy, mesodiencephalic modulation, microcirculation, central hemodynamics
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