Introduction. Currently, sulfide silt mud of Lake Saka has been widely used in both adult and pediatric practice, which has a positive effect in the treatment of various diseases. The effectiveness of peloidotherapy in the rehabilitation treatment of children with a number of chronic and disabling diseases has been established. The purpose of the review is to summarize and analyze the accumulated experience of applying peloidotherapy in children with various diseases. In order to achieve a targeted effect, it is necessary to study previously carried out scientific studies on the in-depth study of the mechanism of therapeutic action of natural factors. Data on methodology of application of peloidotherapy based on highly mineralized silt sulphide mud of Black Sea resorts are presented. It is necessary to take into account the response of the child body to peloidotherapy, which depend on the individual capabilities of the body, in connection with which the parameters of mud treatment methods in pediatrics should be justified. Indications for peloidotherapy for diseases of the cardiovascular system have been developed. The purpose of application method of peloidotherapy in the complex of sanatorium treatment of children with chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and other bronchopulmonary diseases is recognized in order to provide reparative and regenerative, anti-inflammatory, trophostimulating, anti-inflammatory, resolving effect, to improve bronchial permeability, ventilation function.. The dynamics of endothelial dysfunction indices in children with rheumatoid arthritis under the influence of spa treatment using mud applications, the results of complex spa treatment of children with different forms of pyelonephritis in clinical-laboratory remission against the background of application of Saki silt mud were studied. In children with celiac disease the efficiency of therapeutic complex of physical factors influence on pathogenetic links of the disease is shown. Extensive experience has been gained in mud treatment of children with cerebral palsy. Conclusion. In peloidotherapy, individual approaches to comprehensive rehabilitation are applied depending on the clinical picture of the disease with repeated treatment courses.
peloidotherapy, balneo-mud health resort, spa treatment, children
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