Research purpose was to develop a framework for the systematic assessment of the personal qualities formation in graduates of educational institutions in regard of preventing behavioral deviations and risks reduction of personal student’s development vector changing. An indicator of the effectiveness of this activity is the normative students’ behavior, based on the value system enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) in the form of a personal "portrait of a graduate of the school”. However, the evaluation criteria and the methodology for identifying these qualities are not presented in the Federal Educational Standard. Methods and techniques. The methodological basis of the study is a functional-role approach. During the empirical study, the method of expert assessments and the method "Repertory Lattices" by J. Kelly were used. Results and scientific novelty. To achieve the goal of the study, we have proposed a methodology for identifying and evaluating the formation of a educational institution graduate’s personal qualities. The methodological basis of the study is a functional-role approach that allows systematisation of personal qualities in accordance with FSES. An important feature of the approach implemented is the ability to assess personal characteristics that form the inner picture of the world and the subjective values system of the student, which ensures compliance with the requirements of the FSES general education to diversify the psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process, socialization and education of students. Practical significance. The implemented of the framework as a diagnostic tool would facilitate to interface and simultaneously solve two diagnostic problems. The use of "Repertory grids" allows us to overcome the distortion of the results of the study in the interests of achieving social approval and reconstruct the values system and meanings of the subject. The use of psychosemantics methods in combination with a functional-role approach provides the ability to score subjective-personal characteristics that form the inner picture of the world and the subjective system of values of students.
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