One of the most disabling complications of diabetes mellitus is angiopathy of the lower extremities. Diabetic polyneuropathy and diabetic foot syndrome are closely associated with vascular complications of diabetes mellitus, which significantly aggravate the course of the disease and contribute to high mortality. Diabetic polyneuropathy and diabetic foot syndrome are closely associated with of the diabetes mellitus vascular complications that significantly aggravate the course of the disease and contribute to high mortality. Despite the improvement in the results of pharmacotherapy of diabetes mellitus, the problem of treating its vascular complications is far from being solved. Traditionally, therapeutic physical training is used among the methods of non-drug treatment of diabetes mellitus and its complications. As a method of pathogenetic focus on many risk factors for the development of diabetes and its complications, physical therapy exercises contribute to the correction of the syndrome of hypodynamia, obesity, and muscle atrophy. At the same time, there is insufficient data on how exercise therapy affects the quality of life of patients, functional characteristics of walking and objective indicators of blood flow in the lower extremities. This review identifies the main approaches to the application, advantages and disadvantages of individual methods of therapeutic physical training in the correction of functional disorders in patients with lower extremities diabetic angiopathies. We can currently talk about the proven safety of physical therapy use in patients with diabetic angiopathies. Meanwhile, the scientific data on the high efficiency of this method is still insufficient.
saharnyy diabet, diabeticheskaya angiopatiya, treniruyuschaya hod'ba, tredmil-test, lechebnaya fizkul'tura
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