Aim. To determine the effectiveness of the specific loading testing use in assessing the athletes’ physical performance. Material and methods. We present a post-hoc analysis of data from specific and nonspecific loading testing (bicycle ergometer, treadmill, rowing ergometer, and ski treadmill) of 23 oarsmen athletes (13 male (mean age 25.85±0.88 years) and 10 female (mean age 22.90±1.20 years); 125 track and field athletes (75 male athletes (mean age 24.74±0.91) and 50 female athletes (mean age 23.81±1.35)), 38 ski athletes (22 male athletes (mean age 21.3±2.4) and 16 female athletes (mean age 19.6±1.8)). Results and discussion. When assessing the physical performance of track and field athletes of various positions using a bicycle ergometer and a treadmill, the maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) parameter for throwers and jumpers was in the range of 29-55 ml/min/kg (it is more appropriate to use a statoergometer), for runners - 39-75 ml/min/kg (testing on a treadmill is preferable). The greatest efficiency and physiological validity was obtained by load testing using a rowing ergometer for rowing athletes and a ski roller treadmill for athletes of ski sports (the ratio of heart rate at the anaerobic metabolism threshold level to the heart rate “on failure” is ~ 97%). With bicycle ergometry, low values of MOC were obtained in athletes training for endurance, and, including on the treadmill, in athletes with the main strength load and implies the work of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and back. The functional and reserve capabilities of the athlete are not reflected in the data obtained that makes impossible to judge the level of his/her functional readiness. Conclusion. Sports medicine technologies reflecting the dynamic characteristics of athletes’ physical performance should be evaluated from the point of view of informativeness and efficiency of their application depending on the type of sport. Conclusion about the effectiveness of sports medicine technologies should be made considering the results of the functional and physical performance testing under the exertion, specific to a particular sport.
fizicheskaya rabotosposobnost', specificheskoe nagruzochnoe testirovanie, statoergometr, ocenka effektivnosti, sportsmeny
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