UFA, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Bashkirian State Medical University
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Objectives. To evaluate the correlation between the psycho-emotional state and the pain factor in patients with oral lichen planus (OLP). Methodology. Patients (n = 287) with various verified clinical forms of OLP of the oral mucosa (OM) and patients of the control group (without OLP) (n = 32), matched by gender and age, were studied. The levels of anxiety and depression were studied according to the Beck method, the intensity of pain sensations on a visual analog scale using author's computer programs. Results. In the structure of the examined patients with OLP, the following clinical forms prevailed: typical form was 39.7% (n = 114), erosive-ulcerative – 31.0% (n = 89), exudative-hyperemic – 21.9% (n = 63 ), other forms – 7.4%, (n = 21). Analysis of the correlation between pain and anxiety (BAI) and depression (BDI) revealed positive mean correlations: r = 0.5627 (95% CI 0.4754–0.6390) and r = 0.4349 (95% CI 0, 3330–0.5268), at p < 0.0001, respectively. It is worth noting that the pain factor had a 29% greater influence on the state of anxiety than on the depression factor. Conclusion. In the complex therapy of OLP, it is necessary to take into account the psychological profile of patients, pain, understanding that these factors can be either initiating or supporting the pathological state. In view of this, the issue of an interdisciplinary approach and general planning of therapy with the involvement of specialized specialists is especially acute. The applied author's programs have shown convenience for both doctors and patients.
oral lichen planus, stress, anxiety, depression, pain, interdisciplinary approach
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