Confixation is considered to be a way of derivation, characteristic of the modern Russian language. Confixes are the addition of prefixes and suffixes framing the root of the word, which act together in the language mechanism. Combinations of morphemes that make up various confixes are fixed. There is a confixal way of word formation in different parts of speech - verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, numerals. Different productivity of the confixal method in the formation of words of different parts of speech is noted. The stylistic affiliation of words formed with the help of confixes is determined. New words formed in a confix way are fixed.
word-formation, confixes, contemporary Russian, language changes
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5. Tolkovyy slovar' russkogo yazyka. I-IV. M.: Sovetskaya Enciklopediya, 1935-1940.
6. Maslov Yu. S. Vvedenie v yazykoznanie. M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1998.
7. Plungyan V. A. Obschaya morfologiya. M.: Editorial URSS, 2000.