Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Relevance. The authors found that the development of mucosal pathology is influenced by classical (major) and mediated hypersecretory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Kyoto Consensus (2014) suggested that gastroenterological patients have manifestations of functional dyspepsia, the mucosa of the stomach and duodenum has increased sensitivity to excessive production of hydrochloric acid, and various pathological changes are observed on the mucosa of the oral cavity proper. The aim was study of the relationship between the severity of dyspeptic disorders on the 7×7 questionnaire and clinical features of oral mucosal pathology manifestations in patients with classical and mediated hypersecretory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Materials and Methods. The study included 105 patients with the presence of classical gastrointestinal disease (simple non-atrophic chronic gastritis with dyspepsia syndrome after eradication of H.pylori) and hypersecretory mediated gastrointestinal disease (chronic pancreatitis) with increased or normal production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Clinical condition of oral mucosa corresponded to the presence of manifestations of classical and mediated hypersecretory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To assess pain intensity we used pain index index (PIH) according to Hossley-Bergman scale, examination of symptoms of functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) was carried out by means of questionnaire "7×7". To determine statistical differences we used chi-square test, including Yates-adjusted test and Mann-Whitney test. Results. In the clinical group with classic hypersecretory gastrointestinal disease only in 25,71% of cases pathology of oral mucosa was revealed. On the background of clinical manifestations in mediated GIT pathology of oral mucosa – oral candidiasis, cheilitis, glossitis, burning sensation of the oral cavity was revealed in 100% of cases. Dyspeptic disorders according to 7×7 questionnaire prevailed in persons with indirect hypersecretory gastrointestinal disease in the form of chronic pancreatitis with GERD symptoms.

pain, burning, oral mucosa, candidiasis, aphthae, glossitis, classical and mediated hypersecretory gastrointestinal diseases, functional dyspepsia, "7×7" gastrointestinal functional dyspepsia questionnaire

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