Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the scientific work is to study the indicators of the quality and safety of fish culinary products for children's nutrition. The object of the study were fish dishes. Microbiological and physico-chemical methods determined the nutritional value, toxicity and set the shelf life of products. The article provides up-to-date information on the impact of the nutritional factor on the development of the child's body. The lack of a balanced diet can lead to various forms of allergies, anemia, rickets, and an increase in the frequency of infectious diseases. In this regard, fish raw materials can most fully solve the issue of meeting the needs of a child in nutrients that are important for him. One of the important indicators is the content of the dense and liquid parts in the model minced meat, because fish contains 80-81% water in its composition, then an increase in free liquid in the minced meat recipe would lead to its dilution and the loss of the possibility of manufacturing molded products. In the course of the work, it was found that the duration of storage at a temperature of 4+-2 °C is possible for 72 hours (3 days) without changing the safety indicators. The microbiological safety of the developed products was established: The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (QMAFAnM) at all points of control of samples does not exceed the normalized level. An important aspect in the nutrition of school-age children is the organoleptic characteristics of dishes. As a result of the examination, it was determined that the products under study are characterized by attractive organoleptic characteristics: the taste and smell are not pronounced fishy, characteristic of the products, there is no taste of extraneous cod, the texture is juicy, tender, acceptable for school-age children.

food, quality, safety, processing, culinary products
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