Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper analyzes verbal patterns of communicants in the discourse of recruitment. The need to examine patterns and rules of communicative behavior of job applicants highlights the relevance of the study. Its results will enable predicting the success of communication during a job interview and, as a result, in employment. The purpose of the author is to identify and analyze the main and unique verbal tactics of interviewees implemented within the self-presentation as a basic strategy of job candidates. This strategy is represented by a scheme that includes a list of direct and indirect self-presenting actions. The basic method of the study is an integrative discourse analysis undertaken as part of linguistic pragmatics. The goal of the study, characteristics of its object and subject justify the selection of this approach. The outlined indirect self-presenting actions of the job candidate include the request for communicatively meaningful information and productive self-criticism by which the applicant can demonstrate professionalism and interest in obtaining a position. The prevalence of indirect self-presenting tactics in the Russian-language recruitment discourse demonstrated for the first time by the study, is linked primarily to the specifics of the Russian mentality and business environment. The materials and findings of the study may be utilized in further linguistic studies and are important for recruiters and all potential applicants.

self-presentation; indirect tactics; recruitment discourse; request for communicatively meaningful information; productive self-criticism

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