Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
The change in the general consciousness of society predetermines new approaches to ensuring security, deepens its content and the most important components. At the present stage, the role of economic science in working out the conceptual foundations of economic security is noticeably increasing. The problems of manifestations and identification of existing threats, the search for effective tools and methods for neutralizing or eliminating them come to the fore in the field of economic security from the point of view of its scientific justification. Ensuring the economic security of the state is a guarantee of its independence, a condition for sustainable development, as well as a prerequisite for improving the welfare of all sectors of society. This thesis is confirmed by the experience of European countries in the formation of economic security. Given this, the protection of economic interests is included in the list of the most important national priorities [2]. In this regard, the article analyzes the content of economic security and its subsystems, considers the classification of internal and external threats, methodological approaches to solving the problem of determining indicators of the state of macroeconomic security. Considering the definitions of "economic security" in the interpretation of Western experts, the authors propose their own classification of this category. The establishment of basic standards and indicators of economic security plays an important role, therefore, in the study, the authors of the article develop criteria for determining the level of ensuring the country's economic security.
economic theory, economic security, state, economic system
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