The research is devoted to the identification and analysis of factors and principles that determine the features of the sustainable formation of supply and demand in the e-commerce market. The key factors of e-commerce development are highlighted. The signs of digital division of the development level and accessibility of digital technologies are given in relation to countries, regions, territories, firms, households. The strategic principles for the formation of sustainable demand and supply of e-commerce are analyzed and their unified, interrelated, complementary and interdependent essence is noted. The significance of the conversion rate as a special strategic condition and evaluation criterion is indicated. The weak points of trading via the Internet, directly constraining the growth of demand are analyzed. The influence of the productive forces development level on the content of goods and services and on the means used to maintain or carry out trade operations is noted. It is proposed to take into account the development level of productive forces as a basic component of the formation of supply in the digital commerce market. The objective need for large-scale investments to adapt to new market needs is substantiated. The growth of the importance of search engines in promoting the demand for e-commerce market services is predicted. The importance of coupling consumer behavior in the e-commerce market with the institutional and regulatory framework is emphasized.
information technology, digital market, electronic commerce, transaction costs, information asymmetry
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