The impact of the psychological well-being of migrant workers on their socio-psychological adaptation
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Abstract (English):
The problem of psychological adaptation of personality is in the constant focus of attention of researchers and acts as a leading factor in the search for methods and means of psychological prevention of delinquent behavior. However, the psychological potential of studies of the impact of the psychological well-being of migrant workers on their sociopsychological adaptation is not fully used. This article presents the results of an empirical study. The author comes to the conclusion that the psychological well-being of migrant workers influences the indicators of their socio-psychological adaptation. The optimal level of socio-psychological adaptation, self-acceptance of migrants is associated with the presence of positive relations with the surrounding reality, the presence of life goals, the ability to accept themselves as they are, with positive and negative qualities, which is not accompanied by a sense of guilt. Socio-psychological maladaptation, selfrejection, external locus of control, vedomosti and escapism are associated with the desire for autonomy and independent management of the surrounding world, insufficiently positive relationships with the outside world, self-acceptance, lack of life goals. A low level of socio-psychological adaptation is accompanied by a low level of psychological well-being. The worse the migrants’ relationship with the outside world and the lower the degree of psychological well-being, the stronger their sense of emotional discomfort.

psychology of labor migration, socio-psychological adaptation, life satisfaction, psychological well-being, personality maladaptation, nostalgia
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