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Abstract (English):
Unstable operation of rail chain equipment and locomotive equipment of automatic locomotive signaling causes false switching of traffic lights that negatively affects the capacity of railway sections and train traffic safety. Such failures in automatic locomotive signaling operation impacts negatively on locomotive crew mentality. At increased intensity of the failures, it is allowed to turn off automatic locomotive signaling equipment as faulty one that significantly worsens train traffic safety. On electrified railways, the main cause of failures in this equipment operation is the interfering effect of traction currents. Traction current most strongly interferes with the operation of these devices at this current inequality in rail lines at those places where rail chain equipment is connected or under receiving locomotive coils of automatic locomotive signaling. The interfering activity occurs while an asymmetry (difference in values) of longitudinal and/or transverse resistances of a rail line due to the deterioration of the state of rail butt connectors, throttle jumpers and/or the breakdown of spark arresters in the circuits of connection to rails of grounding circuits of various structures. It is difficult to control the state of electrically conductive elements in rail lines because of their multiplicity and also as their electrical resistance in a tolerance area has milliohm order. It causes the necessity to work out better ways on electro-magnetic situation check and approaches to define the condition of indicated elements such as numerous grounding circuits. It’s time-consuming task but must be carried out with the fulfillment of all requirements for operation in high-voltage lines. This article presents some results on the development of methods for controlling electrically conductive and insulating elements in rail chains and that are more suitable for performing maintenance work of equipment of rail chain and locomotive automatic signaling.

rail lines, traction currents, asymmetry, electromagnetic situation, interference, rail chains, automatic locomotive signaling
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