Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose of this research is to study the physiological correlates of adaptive reactions of the organism on leukocyte formula blood using the algorithm of L.H. Garkavi in young patients with mild arterial hypertension and overweight. Materials and methods. The study included the data of comprehensive survey of 56 young men (16-26 years, mean 18.6+/-0.6 years) with mild hypertension, with overweight and obesity (BMI from 25.0 to 34.8 kg/m²). In addition to laboratory studies, multifunctional monitoring of ECG+AD (Incart, SPb) in outpa-tients was carried out for all young men. Results. There are all types of adaptive reaction in the studied group, excepting a “stress reaction”. 8 ado-lescents (14,3%) had a leukocyte distribution corresponding to a “training reaction”, 39,3% young men demon-strated a “reaction of quiet activation”, 25,0% – a “reaction of increased activation” and 21,4% of adolescents had an “over activation”. Average diastolic blood pressure in the “quiet activation” and “over activation” groups a night was higher (62,4±1,8 mm Hg, t=2,0; df=17, P=0,04 and 63,3±2,2 mm Hg, t=2,1; df=15, P=0,04) than in the “training” group (57,3±1,4 mm Hg). Night diastolic blood pressure decline in “training”, “quiet activation” and “increased activation” groups was 22,8%, 20,3% и 21,0% to be due to a tendency to excessive night decrease of diastolic blood pressure («over-dippers»).Young men with reaction of the increased activation had lower spectral power of very low, low and high frequency band in the day-time than in the “training” group. Significant correlations were obtained between systolic blood pressure value a day and night, spectral analysis of heart rate variability results and white blood parameters. Conclusion. The revealed physiological correlates allow to recommend the method of adap-tive reactions by L.H. Garkavi to assess the functional capacity of young people with mild hypertension and overweight.

adaptation, arterial hypertension, adolescents, overweight.

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